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Work involves the narrative and structural analysis as well as theĬomparative analysis that juxtaposes the works by women writers in Of women’s writing as the one limited to themes of low social Her works, being addressed to someīurning and controversial issues, undermine the conventional opinion Douka is free in integrating the WesternĮuropean and Greek literary techniques upon which she builds on her Into the individual consciousness still keeping the social and Her novels dwell mostly on women’s way through Research is devoted to the narrative techniques of contemporary Greek

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Greek history in kaleidoscopic vision of Maro Douka’s characters: narrative strategies unifying individual and historical experience Greek history in kaleidoscopic vision of Maro Douka’s characters: narrative strategies unifying individual and historical experience.Cross-cultural, intercultural, multicultural.It is not clear whether one is a native speaker by birth, by education, or by virtue of being recognized and accepted as a member of a like-minded cultural group.Its key: every text bears the mark of the narrator’s stance – e.G., ironic, humorous, or factual as to the facts related.Literacy event, prior text, point of view.Interview between a journalist and a young apprentice in Germany:.

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Participants’ roles and the co-construction of culture.Contextualization cues, situated inferences.


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